Wednesday 13 November 2019

SAP Ratings: What you need to know

The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) is a methodology that reviews and compares the amount of energy a house will consume when delivering a defined level of comfort and service provision.

It’s the most commonly used practice for this purpose because it’s the one that’s approved by the UK government.

The technique used to assess your home’s energy performance needs to be government-approved because the results underlie Part L of the Building Regulations, which is the section that deals with conservation of fuel and power in a property.

The essentials

The most important thing to realise when looking at SAP is that it’s only an estimation of energy performance. This raises two immediate issues.

Firstly, this aspect of a property’s construction is only one of a wide range of environmental concerns that needs to be addressed when you’re creating a new home.

Also, it’s widely acknowledged that in reality, houses function differently from the way the assessment predicts.

The post SAP Ratings: What you need to know appeared first on Build It.

Article reference SAP Ratings: What you need to know

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