Sunday, 22 November 2015

Oh, Snow!

Have I mentioned that it has been unseasonably warm around here recently? Like, last weekend I checked one of the big items off my “winter farm prep” list and got a truckload of hay from a local farmer… which I loaded and unloaded in a T-shirt.


Right? That’s last weekend.

And then Saturday I woke up, walked outside, and…


Well then.

I guess it’s winter.

The animals also woke up Saturday morning, saw what had happened, and we’re like…


Aw, hell no.


And all of them refused to set foot (or hoof) outside the barn.

I actually love the first snow of the year–especially on a day where I don’t need to leave the farm–so I was super excited and tried to coax everyone out for a first-snow selfie. The turnout was fairly low…


The best part of this picture is Doc in the background, staunchly refusing to participate. Not even for a carrot.

And I get it. I know all of the things this snow means… hauling water out to the barn by hand every morning and evening, hours spent shoveling out the barn doors so I can get the tractor out to plow, bored animals stuck in the barn, and a huge amount of anxiety during the hours I’m communting to and from work.

But it’s also real pretty


There’s just something about a red barn in winter.


We got a total of 10 inches of snow throughout Saturday. I know this for a fact because one of my friends and I got snowed in with a couple of bottles of wine, and we came up with a new unit of measurement for snowfall…


If the snow is over the top of the glass, open the second bottle and start the Die Hard marathon, because no one is leaving until morning.

Which actually made this a pretty– and pretty awesome– weekend, all in all. (Plus it’s supposed to be 55 again by next weekend, so T-shirt weather may not be over yet this year, which is even better.)

Article reference Oh, Snow!

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