Monday 11 December 2017

Snow Days

There’s something about snow, especially in the lead up to Christmas, that makes us all turn into giddy school children again. Memories of snowball fights, building snowmen and sledging come flooding back. The whole world seems more serene; the hustle and bustle muffled by a fluffy white blanket.

It’s been the main topic of conversation in the office today, with most of our weekends consisting of walks in the snow or snuggled up in front of the fire watching Christmas films. Despite the weather, we all made it to work and we’ve been welcomed by the most beautiful views. Our office and showrooms have plenty of windows, to give you a great vantage point wherever you are in the mill.

Our talented photographer, Tim, was out in the grounds early this morning, and the pictures are so stunning we had to share them with you. Our favourites are below.

The snow has given our entrance even more of a Christmassy feel.

The grounds of our Cotes Mill showroom, with a covering of glistening snow.

Our resident fallow deer, hiding amongst the trees.

The view from our showroom, over the mill pond.

Huddled together in their aviary, our resident peacocks.

Perching anywhere they can to stay out of the snow.

Our showroom is based at Cotes Mill in Loughborough, we’re open weekdays 8:30am-5pm and Saturdays 10am-5pm. Customers are very welcome to explore our grounds, as well as our flooring and kitchen showrooms.

Article reference Snow Days

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