Saturday 18 August 2018

How to Cost your Roof Tiles

What it will cost to tile or slate a roof depends as much on the complexity of the design as it does on your final product choice. If you watch roofers at work, you’ll notice the tiling to the main planes is laid very quickly, often in just a few days – but the edge and joint details follow on at a more sedate pace.

You’ll therefore face higher labour charges for a more complicated roof shape. But it’s still possible to give some price guidance on different tiling systems. The Build It Estimating Service has modelled a moderately complex test roof in order to compare six different tile types.

Information on batten sizes, spacing and tile quantities for straightforward roof areas are readily available from builder’s merchants and manufacturers. However, our model project – as with many self-build and renovation schemes – needs more finesse.

A full estimate for our design must factor in the extras required for details such as the hip, ridge and verge fixings. Other additional costs include: tile nailing and clipping; additional battens, undercloaks and eaves tilting fillets; purpose-made tiles or slates for certain systems; the choice of valley detail; and lead and mortar work, where required.

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When ordering roof tiles, you need to allow for breakages. Again, a more complex shape will necessitate more tile cutting – and therefore greater risk of breakages. Your product choice will also have an impact. Fibre-cement slates are much easier and quicker to cut than natural versions, for example, so the breakage rate will be significantly reduced.

The post How to Cost your Roof Tiles appeared first on Build It.

Article reference How to Cost your Roof Tiles

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