Tuesday 30 April 2019


It is with sadness that I write my final blog post for Floors of Stone Ltd.

When I first started here, seven years ago, it was just myself, Kathryn and Ben. We were in a small office on Jubilee Drive on an industrial estate in Loughborough.

This was my first proper job after I moved out of home. I remember I was on a coach back to London when Kathryn rang me to offer me the job. I was ecstatic. I’d been so nervous about finding work whilst moving from London to Loughborough but Kathryn was kind enough to wait for me to finish my final music exams and everything fell into place with ease.

My starting days were all a bit hazy trying to absorb all the new information into my brain, and I do remember going home and thinking “I’m never going to get all of this to stick”. But luckily with persistence (and a lot of patience from Ben), we got there in the end. So began my journey to being a fully-fledged “Sales Assistant”. Over time I eventually trained up a few members of the FOS team myself- isn’t it funny how the tables turn!

It’s been a pleasure to see how far Floors of Stone has expanded and grown over the years. The sales team has blossomed and gained an absolutely fantastic team. The move to Cotes Mill was brilliant, we got some much-needed space, and a stunning new showroom. When I remember back to our smaller premises on Jubilee Drive, it feels like a lifetime ago.

I think our website speaks for itself when I say how much our range has also extended, Sophie and Kathryn are always working hard to keep up with consumer trends and offer the most versatile and reasonable products they can find.

I guess I’d just finish my blog off by saying, that to work in a place where you genuinely don’t mind working is rare (especially after all these years). I have made firm friends that I know I will stay in touch with.

I did ponder the other day that in my time here I have lived in four houses, learnt to drive, passed my Math GCSE, gained an apprenticeship in customer service, established a (relatively successful) folk band, got engaged and married, got my first pet and had a baby! So it goes without saying that I have spent my formative years under FOS’s wing and my experiences here have definitely shaped part of who I am today. My colleagues have always been fully supportive of all my career and life choices and it’s been an honour to work with such a bright and courageous team.

I suppose I should try and bring my parting words back to tiles, so I guess I’ll add that If you going to buy tiles, you may as well buy them from some of the nicest people you can work for!

Thanks for everything guys! x

Article reference Farewell!

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