Tuesday 2 April 2019

Home Design Guide: Side-Return Extension

With land so scarce and building costs so high, many homeowners are keen to transform a pre-existing house into the dwelling of their dreams. As an architect, it’s my role to help people maximise the potential of their current property.

A side-return extension offers one of the most promising opportunities in terms of home improvements, and can contribute to the creation of a fantastic living space that forms a stronger connection between indoor living zones and the garden.

As a result, it’s well worth exploring your plot’s prospects. So, what’s the best way to gauge your property’s potential for adding more space?

Assessing the plot

Firstly, your designer will need to understand the neighbouring context. One of the main issues when it comes to obtaining planning consent is the impact of your proposed addition on your neighbours’ amenity.

The principal concerns are whether there are any overlooking issues. In addition, will the new structure impact on nearby properties’ daylight and will it appear overbearing in terms of scale? Does it work from a design perspective?

Taking these issues in turn, your architect should set out the steps you need to take to ensure you stand a good chance of gaining support for a side-return extension both you and your neighbours will be pleased with.

Read more: Could an architect save you money?

The post Home Design Guide: Side-Return Extension appeared first on Build It.

Article reference Home Design Guide: Side-Return Extension

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