Friday 17 August 2018

Choosing an Open Flight Staircase

It’s an essential and functional item that will probably be one of the first things you see when entering your house – so don’t forget to account for your staircase at the very start of your project. It will have a huge impact on the design of not only your ground floor, but the adjoining levels, too.

So whether you are self building or renovating, this functional part of your project can provide a striking feature at the heart of your home. Done well, your new flight will give your dwelling a beautiful architectural element, but done poorly, you’ll be left with an expensive fixture that jars with the overall style of your property.

A key consideration in many modern abodes is the flow of light, and there’s no reason why your choice of staircase shouldn’t complement this, whether you’re opting for an open-plan layout or not.

An open look will ensure natural brightness can permeate through it, and thankfully, it’s a design feature that will suit a multitude of interior styles.

If you’re renovating, don’t worry that the period of your home has to dictate what you choose to install. A contemporary flight can complement an older house, and vice versa, if it’s blended aesthetically with other key features.

Practical considerations

Before you start planning your staircase, contemplate your ground floor arrangement as a whole and how the flight will impact upon it.

For example, open-plan interiors mean you’ll potentially be able to view the stairs from other parts of the house, so you have to think about how it will look from a variety of angles. In addition, consider traffic and how people flow around the house – where will the main approach to the staircase be?

The post Choosing an Open Flight Staircase appeared first on Build It.

Article reference Choosing an Open Flight Staircase

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